Auto-nomie. Eine Geschichte über unabhängiges Bewe
A spectre is haunting Europe. The ghost of independence. Whether in Catalonia, Southern Tirol or the Eastern Ukraine – people everywhere are demanding more autonomy (derived from the ancient Greek words “autos” – “self” and “nómos” – “law”). But instead of questioning the construct of the nation state per se, they are demanding the establishment of new nation states. Autonomy is one of the great ideals of our time: we are constantly declaring our independency from one another. And surprisingly, we assume that it can, it must succeed – no matter how dire the conditions may be. Three women set out in an auto-mobile in search of their own auto-biographies across three regions of Europe, in which independence movements are the order of the day. They inquire into the differences between the claims to autonomy and today’s diktat of autonomy. And into the location of the next filling station. Those who want to leave, can do so. But once you leave, you can rarely get on board again.
Artistic direction: Eleonora Herder
Dramaturgy: Tim Schuster
Video: Alla Poppersoni
Sound: Marc Behrens
Performance: Viktorija Ilioska, Alla Poppersoni und Lela Herder
Graphic design: Anna Sukhova
Stage: Johanne Schröder
Consultancy and research: Anna Schewelew
Internship: Gianna Arufe und Tizia Huber (Frankfurt University of Applied Studies)
A production by andpartnersincrime in cooperation with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and Zeitraumexit e.V. The festival „Unfuck my future. How to live together in Europe” is funded within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media of Germany as well as the Federal Agency for Civic Education.