Billinger & Schulz
Hip Piece
Rhythms that put hips in motion and make the bottoms jiggle and quiver: Shake your booty! The hip piece by choreographing duo Verena Billinger & Sebastian Schulz is dedicated to the body’s core, the centre of desire and lust, the motor of dance. On stage: six dancers who have been inducted into the secrets of swinging one’s hips by experts on hip hop, Afro Dance, dancehall, belly dancing, and twerking. They present their approach to those newly-learned movements to us – at times playfully and exuberantly, at times demure and vulnerable. Because a situation may change swiftly if the hips rotate on stage or in the club – the killjoys of undesirable eroticisation and exoticisation enter the fray. It will be exciting to see how Billinger & Schulz are going to combine poignant physicalness with an analytical approach, once more this time. Following their legendary dance performances on kissing and on violence, it becomes clear yet again: Bodies and body parts are never detached from their context in society, art, or popular culture. And still, dance holds the promise to unshackle itself from the ascriptions to become more than meets the eye at first glance.
Konzept, Choreografie: Verena Billinger & Sebastian Schulz
Tanz, Performance: Thomas Bauer, Davide Degano, Camilla Fiumara, Minju Kim, Kyoko Oku
Kostüme: Anika Baum
Projektorganisation: Emma Atzenroth
Bewegungscoaching: Suffian Bangura, Niranh Chanthabouasy, Mariluz Fuente Figueredo, Carina Maria Göllmann Graphik: Florian Krauß
Kostümhospitanz: Dana Joldaspayeva, Zeynep Mandaci.
Production: Billinger & Schulz. Coproduction: FFT Düsseldorf, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main. Realised through funds granted by: Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds granted by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR, Kunststiftung NRW, the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts. The artistic work done by Verena Billinger and Sebastian Schulz is granted perennial support by: Cultural Department of the City of Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Conceptual Support Grant by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. With support provided by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media, within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses