(c) Mousonturm

Bojana Kunst/Elke Krasny, Gerald Raunig, Valeria Graziano, Stefan Nowotny u.a.
Politics of Care at the Crossroad of Art and Life

  • Book Presentation
  • Talk

Care has become one of the central categories in artistic production and curating practice. However, care is a notion with many contradictions. On the one side, care in art does not escape capitalist value creation. In a way, artistic environments today are thus often just as unsustainable and destructive as other capitalist environments, no matter how politically engaged and diverse they may be. But on the other side, care has consequences: it brings art to the limits of its social and political role. Care changes how art happens, how it is valued, and how it reaches us, and it also unsettles the relationships between art and life. In this panel discussion those paradoxes and difficulties which arise when art cares will be examined. In the discussion, activists, philosophers, artists, and curators will discuss different dimensions of the relationship between art and care. The talk is organised in the frame of the German publication of Bojana Kunst’s book “The Life of Art: Transversal Lines of Care”, in which the author discusses how care unsettles the very life of art, it demands a very different life of art from the one we know it.

Das Projekt „Slowenien – Ehrengast der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023, ein Modell zur nachhaltigen internationalen Förderung des slowenischen literarischen Schaffens, wird von der Republik Slowenien und der Europäischen Union im Rahmen des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert.

A project within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media