Bouchra Ouizguen / Compagnie O
The Moroccan choreographer Bouchra Ouizguen teamed up with Corbeaux, meaning raven or craw, and developed a performance specifically designed for public spaces. After having been performed in Marrakesh, New York, London, and Paris, the performance will be specifically adapted for Berlin. The project focuses on singing and choreography and will start out with a workshop for a group of Berlin-based women. Together, they will develop a living sculpture: wearing black robes and white headscarves, they will move through the city in silence, only in order to then disrupt the silence through jerky movements and screams. In continuous repetitions and modulations, they will traverse various trance-like collective movements and sound expressions that rise increasingly and ultimately culminate in a primal scream. Inspired by their liberated and wise image of the role of women and femininity’s societal meaning Ouizguen will draw from old Moroccan rituals in order to create an intimate experience.
Artistic direction
Bouchra Ouizguen
Kabboura Aït Ben Hmad, Fatima El Hanna, Halima Sahmoud, Fatna Ibn El Khatyb, Khadija Amrhar, Zahra Bensllam, Malika Soukri, Milouda El Maataoui, Hasnae El Ouarga
Mylène Gaillon
Produktion: Compagnie O. Koproduktion: Services de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle de l’Ambassade de France à Rabat. Mit Unterstützung von: Institut français (Marrakech).
“Claiming Common Spaces” – ein Projekt des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser, gefördert von der Beauftragen der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.