Candela Capitán / TANZ_KASSEL
1 9 7 6 2 – solos y conectados |
lonesome and connected | einsam gebunden
We associate positive emotions when we think of a carousel, emotions of pleasure and carefree moments of childhood. For 1 9 7 6 2 – solos y conectados | lonesome and connected | einsam gebunden, performance artist Candela Capitán puts a slow-turning carousel at the centre of a choreography for six TANZ_KASSEL ensemble dancers. The dancers chain themselves to the carousel using massive snap hooks, and the carousel’s rotation speed dictates their movements’ rhythms.
Like a smartphone’s bright light during a sleepless night, the brazenly gleaming object within the stage space fascinates through the brightly radiating LED spots. Capitán uses the continually changing relation between dancers and carousel as the starting point for her pondering on networking, isolation, acceleration, and restlessness in the context of a society that is situated both online and on-site in dizzying simultaneity. Candela Capitán’s works negotiate violent and toxic body policies on a systemic level, opposing them. With her artistic practice, she questions taboos and challenges boundaries. Her Instagram profile was blocked in the summer of 2021 after she had shared a post that violated the partially discriminatory guidelines of the Meta corporation. Capitán set in motion a wave of protest that finally led to the revocation of her profile’s blocking. Following cooperations with fashion houses like Gucci and Dior, the ambitious artist developed a piece for TANZ_KASSEL with the premiere of 1 9 7 6 2 – solos y conectados | lonesome and connected | einsam gebunden that focuses a topical and exciting perspective on digitisation phenomena and body politics.
Duration: 45 min.
Choreography and staging: Candela Capitán; Dance and co-direction: Anna Gorokhova, Hyeonwoo Bae, Kaine Ward, Klil Ela Rotshtain, Sophie Ormiston, Yannis Brissot; Stage: Maria Walter; Costumes: Ama Tomberli; sound design, composition: Isabella Gutierrez; sound design: Donato Deliano; light design: Oskar Bosman; lighting: Oliver Freese; rehearsal and training director: Wencke Kriemer de Matos; dramaturgy: Joan Morey, Thorsten Teubl.
A production of TANZ_KASSEL, Staatstheater Kassel, supported by Fördergesellschaft Staatstheater Kassel e. V., Institut Ramon Llull Barcelona, Diego M. Buceta, César Segarra, Juan López,, Esther Doblas, Josep Pagà i Lleixà, Tatín Revenga, Fàbriques de Creació | Graner y La Central del Circ | Can Gassol. Centre d’Arts Escèniques de Mataró, wine shop Schluckspecht GmbH Kassel.
Sponsored by the Alliance of International Production Houses, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.