Christiane Jatahy
Nach der Stille/Depois de Silêncio
There are those who possess land, freedom and identity, and those whose existence has no value. In order to tell of the unresolved colonial violence that continues to this day, Brazilian theatre-maker Christiane Jatahy combines the art forms of theatre and film in a surprising way. Together with her actresses, Jatahy goes deep into Brazil’s history. The violent alliance of racism and capitalism ranges from the transatlantic slave trade to Jair Bolsonaro’s current politics. The position of the European profiteers also seems to have hardly changed in the course of time. And so the production interweaves reality and fiction when the protagonists fight against such a world order and for the possibility of change. In “After Silence”, Jatahy follows the award-winning novel “Torto Arado” by author Itamar Vieira Júnior. With it, she continues her resistance against structural racism and the geopolitical realities built on it, with which she is earning her permanent place in Europe’s theatre landscape.
Künstlerische Leitung, Text: Christiane Jatahy
Nach dem Buch „Torto Arado” von Itamar Vieira Júnior
Mit: Gal Pereira, Juliana França, Lian Gaia, Aduni Guedes
Film mit Bewohner*innen der Orte Remanso und Iúna (Chapada Dimantina/Bahia/Brazil)
Künstlerische Mitarbeit, Bühne, Licht: Thomas Walgrave
Mit Musik von Vitor Araujo, Aduni Guedes
Fotografie, Kamera: Pedro Faerstein
Sounddesign, Tonmischung: Pedro Vituri
Kostüme: Preta Marques
Video System: Julio Parente
Körperarbeit: Dani Lima
Mitarbeit Text: Gal Pereira, Juliana França, Lian Gaia, Tatiana Salem
Diskussion Text: Ana Maria Gonçalves
Regieassistenz: Caju Bezerra
Kameraassistenz: Suelen Menezes
Sound (Film): João Zula
Schnitt (Film): Mari Becker, Paulo Camacho
Inspizienz, Tontechnik: Diogo Magalhães
Lichttechnik: Leandro Barreto
Videotechnik: Alan de Souza
Produktionsleitung: Claudia Marques
Produktionsassistenz: Divino Garcia
Koordination, Tourmanagement: Henrique Mariano
Administration: Claudia Petagna
Referenzen an und Bilder aus „Cabra marcado para morrer” von Eduardo Coutinho, Mapa Films production
Eine Produktion von Cia Vertice de Teatro (Rio de Janeiro), Axis productions in
Koproduktion mit Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt a. M.), Wiener Festwochen, Schauspielhaus Zürich, CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe (Paris), Piccolo Teatro de Milano, ArtsEmerson (Boston), Riksteatern (Norsborg), Théâtre Dijon Bourgogne – CDN, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Théâtre populaire romand La Chaux-de-fonds – Centre neuchâtelois de arts vivants, DeSingel (Antwerpen), Temporada Alta – Festival de tardor de Catalunya (Salt) und Centro Dramático Nacional (Madrid).
Christiane Jatahy ist Artiste associée von CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe, Schauspielhaus Zürich, ArtsEmerson (Boston) und Piccolo Teatro de Milano. Cia Vertice wird unterstützt von Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France – Ministère de la Culture France.