
Cie. Maguy Marin

  • Dance

There is a sharp wind whistling on stage that blows away all the beautiful dancing. It tugs at the clothes and hair of the performers, who cling tenaciously to their “normal” lives in a demonic whirl of noise in front of and behind mirrors. But the effects of the fat years are mercilessly upsetting their world. Here, the icon of French dance theatre Maguy Marin already brought a groundbreaking piece of enlightenment into the world in 2004, in which she makes us feel in an unpathetic but all the more insistent way how much time is pressing – still, or more precisely: even more so today!

Without language

Duration: 1 hr.


02.07. Live audio description and tactile tour by Gravity Access Services Berlin for visually impaired visitors. The tactile tour begins at 7:00 pm. Registration at or +49 351 264 62 46.


Maguy Marin (*1951 in Toulouse) is a French dancer and choreographer and one of the most important representatives of contemporary modern dance theatre.

Cast & Credits

Concept, chorégraphie : Maguy Marin

Conception musicale : Denis Mariotte

Conception lumière : Alexandre Béneteaud

Design sonore : Chloé Barbe

Scénographie : Pascal Bouvier

Costumes : Nelly Geyres

Production : Compagnie Maguy Marin

Coproduction : Théâtre de la Ville de Paris, Maison de la Danse de Lyon, le Toboggan à Décines

Coproduction : 2021 Charleroi Danse

Compagnie Maguy Marin est soutenue par le Ministère de la Culture – DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-AlpesLa Compagnie Maguy Marin est subventionnée par la Ville de Lyon, la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et bénéficie du soutien de l’Institut França pour ses projets à l’étranger.