D!e Gäng
For swag in the nursery
If parents have grown up with hip-hop, dancehall or ska, they are of course particularly happy when their offspring are also into it. D!E GÄNG builds exactly this bridge with their music. This is not only noticeable at home, when the music bounces out of the children’s room, it becomes very clear at a D!E GÄNG concert, when everyone really goes wild together.
Lyricist and singer Ben Pavlidis (Ohrbooten) created a number of such songs in collaboration with his daughter Chaja. What was initially a playful family project soon became the birth of D!E GÄNG. Chaja and Ben were joined on stage by Luna and Kaia – and off they went on tour. After releasing two albums, D!E GÄNG can finally be seen on stage again! The fresh presence of Chaja, Luna and Kaia, who have now outgrown their infancy and are rocking the stages like the grown-ups, unfolds live into a very special experience.
For everyone aged 4 and over
0-2 years: free admission
3-11 years: reduced
from 12 years: normal price
Lokal im Mousonturm open from 2 pm.
Das Konzert von Die Gäng ist Teil der Reihe „Mouson Mini Music“, einem Projekt im Rahmen des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.