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Dialogue Group Applied Transformation
Shake Formation

  • Talk

The “Dialog Group Applied Transformation” will accompany the festival Cool Down in a research-oriented way with their post-talk format Shake Formation. Festival impressions will be transformed into freshly made shakes. In Shake Formation they mix not only summer berries, but also experimental thoughts. Participants and guests are invited to reflect on new impressions, take a taste and take a step back. What fruit symbolizes collaboration? What does sustainability taste like?

Duration: 30 min.


Nora Spiekermann

In her artistic works, Nora Spiekermann (*1987) develops platforms for social exchange in public space. With the collaborative project “Offener Kanal Europa” she critically explores the urban space in Berlin Mitte. For this she uses participatory formats, interventions and video.


Bettina Weber

Bettina Weber (*1989) is part of Konglomerat e.V. A place of “do-it-yourself culture” in Dresden. Here she deals with the topics of open workshops, commoning, common good oriented urban development & urban production, material cycles and initiates collaborative projects and networks.


Jakob Wirth 

Jakob Wirth (*1991) is an artist, activist and sociologist. He works in public space and chooses his artistic language processually and depending on context and theme. It ranges from performance art, video, social practice and direct guerrilla interventions. His main interest is the interweaving of the artistic field with politics and everyday realities by hijacking unknown systems and questioning the boundaries of norms.