Theater Commons
Theatre is a public space. Is it also a common space? We talk about the ways in which artistic work might be imagined as common welfare orientated practice. Joining us are:
cobratheater.cobra is a self-governing artist network. It functions contagiously: If you have worked with a member once, you may go on using the name on the condition that you are prepared for exchange and criticism with the cobra.
Initiative Interface is an artists’ and group associationpooling their experiences and resources in order to findout what it means to “think digitally” in a theatre context. One of their aims lies in stimulating translation processes between artists and institutions.
artist commons is an initiative by Viennese freelanceartists which defines space and resources as commongoods to be temporarily used for artistic work. They hosted an artist commons conference in March 2019.
The political and performance collective Schwabinggrad Ballett has developed a kind of experimental dance music on demos and in street interventions. It is part of a network that runs the Hamburg Buttclub, among others.
From the end of September 2019, SPECTYOU will be a central digital platform for drama, dance and performance in German-speaking countries – information, exchange, networking and full-length plays.
Ruth Schmidt (Hosting) works as freelance theatre maker and author and has been a research associate at the Szenische Forschung (Scenic Research) of the Ruhr-Universität. She is a co-founder of ScriptedRealitygroup, developing game layouts, situations, lms, textsand stage plays.