Eric Minh Cuong Castaing
We surround ourselves with gadgets, wearables and various other (semi-)autonomous devices such as drones, whose applications may far exceed their initially programmed designs. As a toy and a dancing object that lets performers discover new movementqualities, but also as a war machine spyingout movement or transporting explosives. Here, the ambiguity inherent in technologies opens up for a glimpse into their subverted applications. The exchange with barely accessible territories becomes possible, or the surveillance instrument turns into a documentary channel, all via a webcam and a hacked server: Dabke dancer Mumen Khalifa, raised in a Palestinian refugee camp, joins us live from his apartment in Gaza and tells us about his experience with surveillance drones while letting us follow b-boy- group Myus GB Crew on the backdrop of a demolished building.
Together with his company Shonen, Eric Minh Cuong Castaing, currently associated artist at the Ballet National Marseille, has explored the connection between dance, technology and ethical questions for years now. A trained ne artist, the “revolting body”, ashe calls it, lies at the centre of his artistic work, especially the enhancement of the bodily condition by means of technology.
In English and Arabic
Konzept, Choreographie: Eric Minh Cuong Castaing mit den Tänzer*innen Jeanne Colin, Pauline Simon, Mumen Khalifa, Nans Pierson, Myuz GB Crew (Hamad Abu Hasira, Meuse Abu Matira, Mohammed Abu Ramadan).Live-Übersetzung: Tamara Saade. Drohnen-Pilot: Thomas Peyruse, Scott Stevenson. Musik: Gregoire Simon & Alexandre Bouvier (Yes soeur). Lichtdesign: Sébastien Lefèvre. Video: Pierre Guf et. Régie: Julien Léo David, Mahmoud Alhaj. Kameramann in Gaza: Mostafa Abou Thoria. Unterstützung Koordination in Gaza: Suzanne Groothuis, Ingrid Rollema, Pieter de Ruiter. Videomontage: François Duverger. Dramaturgie: Marine Relinger. Outside Eyes: Alessandro Sciarrioni, Pauline Simon, Anne-Sophie Turion.
Eine Produktion von Shonen, koproduziert durch das tanzhaus nrw im Rahmen des Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser, gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien. Weiterhin koproduziert durch das Ballet National de Marseille, Festival de Marseille, Pôle Arts de la Scène – Friche la Belle de Mai, Charleroi danse, Centre Chorégraphique de Wallonie – Bruxelles, ViaDanse-CCN de Bourgogne Franche- Comté à Belfort, Institut Français du Liban, Center for visual arts 2 angles in Flers, HELLERAU – EuropäischesZentrum der Künste Dresden, CCN de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne / Compagnie Kä g, Institut Francais, FondsTransfabrik und in Zusammenarbeit mit DICRéAM, Caisse des dépôts et Consignations group, Aubervilliers Laboratories.