Everybody Danceoke:
Dancetrend Edition
Dance karaoke with Olivia Hyunsin Kim
Like karaoke, but with dance. Olivia Hyunsin Kim is developing a special edition of her legendary dance karaoke format for the TIKTOK – VIRAL THEATER event. The focus is on viral dances and dance trends from social media. Together we learn and dance viral moves and sticky gestures. 🫶
Olivia Hyunsin Kim works as a choreographer, performer and curator. She curated the festival VOLUME UP – To all the sisters I have loved (before) at tanzhaus nrw in 2022. Olivia Hyunsin Kim also develops participatory projects such as the dance karaoke format Everybody Danceoke or the multi-part video tutorial ACTIVITY CHALLENGE for kids (and adults as she found out later), which she offered online during the lockdown.
TikTok – virales Theater
In the frame of Kunst und Begegnungen. Eine Veranstaltungsreihe des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser.
Kunst & Begegnungen – Eine Reihe des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser receives support from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the Alliance of International Production Houses.