Forced Entertainment
Complete Works: Table Top Shakespeare: At Home

  • Online Theater

Megalomaniac and captivating: it took 30 years and numerous acclaimed, demonized and multiple award-winning productions for the British theatre collective Forced Entertainment to bring the complete works of Shakespeare onto the stage. Since 2016, the collective has toured these 36 Shakespeare plays through 12 countries and presented them to more than 35,0000 people. Including Mousonturm in 2018. After having spent weeks separated by the recent lockdown, Forced Entertainment came up with the idea of replaying all the dramas once more as a nine-week online series using whatever was already in their own kitchens. Whether “Macbeth” (17.09.), “Romeo and Julia” (24.09.) or „King John“ (25.09.), all are performed with a full miniature cast in table top-format starring water bottle, razor blade and pillbox. Watch it either from your own sofa and display or in company in the cozy lounge of Mousonturm via stream.

Eine Produktion by Forced Entertainment, financially supported by the following partners: Kanuti Gildi SAAL; Kunstfestspiele Hannover; Künstlerhaus Mousonturm; PACT Zollverein; Romaeuropa Festival; Shakespeare Festival Neuss and UCLA’s Center for the Art of Performance. Also presented as part of Portland Institute for Contemporary Art’s 2020 Time-Based Art Festival.

„Table Top Shakespeare: At Home Edition” wird als Projekt des „DMT-Digitaler Mousonturm“ gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen des Bündnisses internationaler Produktionshäuser sowie durch das Hessische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst im Rahmen der intergenerationalen Vermittlungsinitiative ALL IN – FÜR PUBLIKUM JEDEN ALTERS.