Gob Squad
I Love You, Goodbye (The Digital Detox Edition)
The first innocent attempts to organize a date. The many hours hanging on the telephone. Affection slowly developing, opening up. Shared adventures, unforgettable experiences, images shared. Yet, even in the most beautiful of relationships, one may grow apart with time. Dear Internet, we need to talk!
The Internet has just turned 30, many of us still grew up of offline. Yet few can imagine living without the web today. What happened? The artists of German-British collective Gob Squad integrate us into a ritual to discuss and maybe rescue the love-hate-relationship with the WWW.
Perhaps. Hopefully?
Gob Squad is a seven-headed monster with one body, an artists’ collective with numerous bosses. A schizophrenic identity, a personality multiply split – bisexual, binational, bilingual (English / German). A patchwork family and a social utopia. Together, they have been working on the concept, staging and presentation of live performances at the intersections of theatre, fine arts and media.
Concept, Direction: Gob Squad. Performance: Johanna Freiburg, Sean Patten, Sharon Smith, Berit Stumpf, Sarah Thom, Bastian Trost, Simon Will. Sound design: Jeff McGrory, Torsten Schwarzbach. Video design: Miles Chalcraft. Light design, technical director: Max Wegner. Stage design: Glamour Glaneur (Tatiana Saphir / Tamara Saphir / Moriya Matityahu). Dramaturgy, production management: Christina Runge. Artistic assistant: Mat Hand. Assistent stage design: Amina Nouns. Gob Squad Management: Eva Hartmann. Touring management: Mat Hand. UK producer: Ayla Suveren.
A co-production of Gob Squad and FFT Düsseldorf. In co-produktion with HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin. Funded in the frame of Bündnis internationale Produktionshäuser from the Federal Commissioner for Cultural and Media Affairs. Gob Squad is regularly funded by the state of Berlin (2015 – 2019), Chancellery of the Berlin Senate for Culture and Europe.