Guillermo Calderón

  • Performance

In preparation for his piece “Escuela”, Calderón carried out interviews with Jorge Mateluna – former guerrillero in the Chilean FPMR, who spent 14 years in jail for his activities. During the performances Mateluna was once again convicted for his alleged participation in a bank robbery. Calderón reflects how artistic activity relates to political violence, and what guilt and justice might mean in a post-Pinochet era.


Text: Guillermo Calderón / Director: Guillermo Calderón / Set design and technical director: Manuela Mege / Assistent to the director: Ximena Sánchez und Ana Cosmelli / With: Camila González Brito, Andrea Giadach Cristensen, María Paz González Durney, Luis Cerda Esparza, Juan Pablo Troncoso, Francisca Lewin Castellano / Costume Assistance: Carlos Fragoso

Commissioned by HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Production: Fundación teatro a mil (FITAM). Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Teatro Municipal Maria Matos (Lissabon). House on Fire with support of the Cultural Programme of the European Union.

Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation within “The Aesthetics of Resistance – Peter Weiss 100“, a festival by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin.

The re-run is supported by Goethe-Institute.