© Gergely Ofner

László Göndör & Éva Katona
Living the Dream with Grandma

  • Theatre

László Göndör suffers an identity crisis after moving in with his 97-year-old grandmother, a Shoah survivor, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. For 32 days, the two try to understand each other’s pain and trauma, as well as their profound love for each other. Video and audio recordings from their time together reveal the impact of intergenerational trauma on their personalities and their relationship. The gap between the two generations is bridged by their love for each other and through a process of understanding and acceptance. In this deeply moving theatrical piece, László Göndör achieves the seemingly impossible of addressing these multi-layered and complex issues poetically and with great humour.

duration: 75 Minuten
recommended from 16 years
Language: Hungarian and English with German surtitles

László Göndör – Performer, Director, Playwright, Concept
Éva Katona – Performer
Kornél Laboda – Co-director, Playwright, Concept
Zsófi Bódi – Dramaturge, Playwright, Concept
Alexandra Láng – Audio and Video Editor, Concept
Lili Olga Horváth – Psychologist Consultant, Concept
Márk Bartha – Sound Designer
Gabriella Csoma – Set and Costume Designer
Bence Somoskövi & Bence Kovács- Vajda – Sound Masters
Máté Bredán – Light Designer
Ákos “Papa” Lengyel – Technician
Máté Bartha – Documentary Materials, External Consultant
Tamás Ördög – External Consultant
Zsuzsi Szakács – Production Assistant
Dániel Mayer – Production Manager
Andrea Ausztrics – Creative Producer
Brigitta Varga – Tour manager

Special thanks to Ádám Fekete, Tamás Turai, Dániel Daoud, Rozi Szeleczki, Leta Popescu, Péter Hajmási, Zoltán Ásmány, Nelli Orbán, Katalin Farkas, Zsuzsa Bánkuti, Ómama Antikvitás

Funder and (co)producers:
The production was realized within the framework of the Staféta Program established and supported by the Municipality of Budapest.
Co-production partner: Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Orlai Production Office, Marom Budapest – Jewish Culture 2028
Supporters: Fuge Production, National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Mozaik Jewish Community Hub, Endre Somogyi
Production partner: SzínMűHely Foundation
Production: Magnum Production

A project within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and supported by Goethe Institut München.