(c) FFT

Dröhnen #2

  • Concert
  • Music

Noise. Radau – some say. And it should be audible deep into the night. Behind the disturbance is the new dröhnen concert series. Curated by Felix van Holt and his team, the platform now regularly presents loud, independent and experimental music by young bands from all over the world. To kick things off, there’ll be four hits on the eardrums.

Somewhere between Planet Punk, Milky Way Retro-Pop, Microcosm New Wave and Hinterwelt Thüringen is MAMORÉ. They practice rough pogoing, romantic couple dancing and Bowie-esque hip swinging to solemn synth melodies and rugged rock guitars. Drama and comfort, anachronism and innovation, heartache and a twinkle in the eye aggregate into a flowery tangle of emotions. At the center of the action: five young men dressed in extravagant outfits from the vintage wardrobe, who sometimes can’t quite grasp what is happening around them.

Dignified Burial, the duo from the heart of Düsseldorf who have been making a name for themselves since last year, are masters at filling the silence with life. With their unique blend of wave, ambient and neofolk, which they enrich with a heavy dose of synths, they have redefined Rhineland gloom. Their music is an ode to ingenuity and melancholy, a sonic painting that transports listeners into a world of profound reflections and emotional landscapes.

Since 2023, Narkose has stood for aggressive, dark and socially critical German punk from the Ruhr region. Four guys from Gelsenkirchen who combine influences from hardcore, post-punk and German punk and perform their new record, which was released this summer.

In the spotlight: the Wuppertal noise punk conglomerate Stammtisch Flutwelle.

Supported by the Alliance of International Production Houses, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.