Nicoleta Esinencu
Abolirea familiei / The Abolition of the Family
After the fall of the Soviet Union, family structures in the Republic of Moldova were faced with great economic challenges and at the same time were restyled into a traditional Christian asset. Nicoleta Esinenculinks these circumstances with the experience of losing her parents, examining the term “family” in the 21st century. On stage storytellers form and reform a chorus like a collective voice, doing away with the myth of the monogamous family and casting an evil eye on private property, blaming not just the patriarchal system, but in the end even capitalism itself.
A performance by: Nicoleta Esinencu, Antosea Darca and Elena Anmeghichean, Cătălina Bucos, Doina-Romanța Dochitan, Nora Dorogan, Ciprian Marinescu, Kira Semionov, Elena Sîrbu, Doriana Talmazan, Artiom Zavadovsky / Performers: Elena Anmeghichean, Cătălina Bucos, Doina-Romanța Dochitan, Nicoleta Esinencu, Elena Sîrbu, Doriana Talmazan, Artiom Zavadovsky / Lighting design: Ulrich Kellermann / Sound design: Janis Klinkhammer / Dramaturgical advice: Aenne Quiñones / Production managment: Anna Krauß / Technical direction: Annette Becker
Production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Co-production: FFT Düsseldorf, teatru-spălătorie. Supported within the framework of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and Goethe-Institute. Supported by: Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) and Freundeskreis HAU Hebbel am Ufer.