Open Forum – Forum I: Producing Art and Sharing Resources
How can art be produced in a more sustainable way? This question is the starting point of the round table ›Sharing Resources‹, which investigates materials and recyclables in the production of art. Often, tight schedules and limited personnel lead to the disposal of designed and produced elements such as stage sets, exhibition architecture, props or costumes. Meanwhile, numerous institutions and players could lend technical equipment, costumes or props from their stocks temporarily. The Round Table invites participants to discuss projects, initiatives and ideas, engaging with processes of recycling materials, establishing recycling cycles and the lending of technology and material.
Professionals and people interested in all areas of art production from the Ruhr area and beyond are invited to take part in this first network and get-to-know-you meeting. The Round Table ›Sharing Resources‹ is initiated by theRegionalverband Ruhr and the NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste.
In German language
Duration: 90 minutes