(c) FFT Düsseldorf

ON/LIVE 2024

  • Festival

Technology can extend lives, make work easier and connect worlds. We can use it to influence the weather and perhaps avert the climate catastrophe after all. Really? ON/LIVE 2024 takes a look at the relationship between technology, art and society and asks: What conditions do scientists and other inventors need to really save the world? We invite artists, scientists, activists, educators, students and other digital natives to exchange ideas. The game theater collective machina eX and geoscientist and science slammer Dr. Maria-Elena Vorrath will be there to present their views on weather manipulation and climate engineering. Children aged 6 and over can get to know the FFT Cubes in a workshop. There will also be lightning talks about art, technology and a better world.


Supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.