Solidarity Institutions – Strategies for International Cultural Politics in Nervous Times
News about politically persecuted artists are omnipresent today. In an increasing number of countries within and beyond Europe, different forms of repression emerge more and more frequently: financial support is cut, institutions are closed, artists are placed under house arrest. Art is perceived as a threat and artists as state enemies. At the same time, countries like China or Russia invest tremendous amounts into international cultural institutes. Yet the term sharp power alone shows that they do not so much seek to produce a greater international understanding but rather try to exert political influence.
Which consequences do these two developments have on Germany’s international cultural politics? Is the change of direction in the Goethe-Institute’s new agenda sufficient? And how do these political developments affect artistic practices? How can artists productively resist the influence exerted by the state? How can international solidarity of institutions successfully support artists under threat?
With Johannes Ebert, Nicoleta Esinencu, Andreas Görgen, Renzo Martens, Bouchra Ouizguen, Alya Sebti, Annemie Vanackere / Moderated by: Priya Basil
As part of “Claiming Common Spaces“ Nicoleta Esinencu recited the text “Thank you!,“ which her collective teatru-spălătorie composed especially for the occasion, and which you can read here.
21.06. / 19:00/ HAU1
Panel: On the state of our cities – a critical survey
With Katalin Gennburg, Ingrid Krau, Christoph Schäfer, Michael Schindhelm
Moderation: Christoph Twickel / German with English translation / Admission 3,00 €
Right after: Sharon Zukins City as Homeland: Building a Culture of Radical Resiliency (Keynote)
22.06. / 11:00 / HAU1
Panel: Solidarity Institutions Strategies for international cultural politics in nervous times
With Johannes Ebert, Nicoleta Esinencu, Andreas Görgen, Renzo Martens, Bouchra Ouizguen, Alya Sebti, Annemie Vanackere
Moderation: Priya Basil / German and English with German and English translation / Admission free
22.06. / 16:00 / HAU1
Panel: Art. Democracy. Public space.
With Amelie Deuflhard, Stefan Hilterhaus, Rüdiger Kruse, Akira Takayama amongst others
German and English with German and English translation / Admission free
22.06. / 20:00 / HAU2
Panel: City as factory – How logistics and master plans change city life
With Jochen Becker, Klaus Ronneberger, Kathrin Tiedemann, Michael Zinganel
Moderation: Elisa Bertuzzo / Performance: Hauke Heumann / Visuals: Jan Lemitz
German with English translation / Admission free
23.06. / 17:00 / HAU2
Panel: space, practices, and perspectives – The production houses and the independent scene
With Verena Billinger, Monika Gintersdorfer, Cindy Hammer, Alexander Karschnia, Sebastian Matthias, Matthias Pees a.o. / Moderation: Janina Benduski, Bettina Masuch / German / Admission free
23.06. / 20:00 / HAU2
Panel: Right to the city – How urban forms of resistance are reconfigured in the age of motion
With AbdouMaliq Simone (Keynote), Andrej Holm, Sandy Kaltenborn, Nazan Maksudyan
Moderation: Elisa Bertuzzo / German and English with German and English translation / Admission free
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Johannes Ebert, Nicoleta Esinencu, Andreas Görgen, Renzo Martens, Bouchra Ouizguen, Alya Sebti, Annemie Vanackere
Priya Basil