(c) Ben Krieg

She She Pop

  • Performance

On an empty stage, She She Pop find themselves as salespeople in the endless loop of a sales show. Everything’s on offer. On and on goes the search for something they can still put a value on, only to sell it off. Can they still grasp reality with their senses, describe it with words? Can it still be saved? Can anything withstand the clearance? She She Pop have lost their orientation. The central perspective – which taught them how to focus on any goal – has dissolved. Along with the audience, the performers find themselves in a state of free fall. There’s a a schism between events and the words that describe them. And into this abyss they fall deeper and deeper.

Concept, idea: She She She Pop
By and with: Sebastian Bark, Johanna Freiburg, Lisa Lucassen, Mieke Matzke, Ilia Papatheodorou, Berit Stumpf
Artistic collaboration: Rodrigo Zorzanelli
Director of photography, video installation: Benjamin Krieg
Consulting video technical design: L Wilson-Spiro
Space: Philine Rinnert
Costume: Lea Søvsø
Collaboration costume: Margarita Rozhkova
Lighting design: Michael Lentner
Technical direction: Claes Schwennen
Music, sound design, sound installation: Santiago Blaum
Sound, collaboration sound design: Manuel Louis Horstmann
Live sound mix: Santiago Blaum, Manuel Louis Horstmann
Dramaturgical consulting: Lidiia Golovanova
Traineeship: Neïtah Janzing
English live translation: PANTHEA
Audio description: Pingpong Translation & Subtitling
PR & Communication: ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro
Communication: Tina Ebert
Production: Tina Ebert, Aminata Oelßner, Elke Weber
Company Management: Aminata Oelßner, Elke Weber

Gefördert durch das Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser und die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.