Open Call
The Arts and Encounters Academy is looking for participants
Application deadline: 5 April 2021
Cultural institutions are spaces of encounter. But who exactly gets to meet in these spaces? What kinds of encounters take place at these venues – and what kinds don’t? In the past several years, we have seen an emergence of a number of practices that focus on precisely such questions. These new practices are carried out at the interface between communication, dramaturgy and public relations, and they range from performative participation strategies and collective authorship all the way to audience development measures – on site and increasingly in the digital realm.
The Alliance of International Production Houses (Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser) created the Arts and Encounters Academy as a way of examining these practices and carrying them further. The goal of the academy is to create a forum for networking and collaborative learning for those who are already active in shaping the space between art and society – as well as for those who are interested in doing so in the future.
At the Arts and Encounters Academy, we work together to devise successful strategies and foster eye-level participation that generate encounters based on solidarity, acknow-ledging divergent perspectives, power relations and experiences of discrimination among the persons encountering each other. We discuss artistic projects, formats, locations and processes of encounter, while also sharing questions, experiences and knowledge. Together, we take a look at what reorganisations are already underway at theatres, museums, art schools and other cultural institutions. Which artistic practices of encounter can be exemplary? What areas require urgent changes?
The Arts and Encounters Academy is scheduled to take place on three long weekends in the summer and autumn of 2021. Each session will have its own thematic focus and be hosted by a different venue site of the Alliance of International Production Houses. Participants will be joined by a number of experts, who will contribute their knowledge and experience to the discussions. In close cooperation with employees of the participating venues, it will be possible to gain unique insights into the inner workings and tools of the independent cultural scene.
If you would like to be a part of this exchange, if you’re interested in networking and taking a closer look at these subjects, we look forward to hearing from you!
Scheduled dates (subject to Covid-19 regulations; online if necessary):
MODULE 1: 3-6 June 2021, Kampnagel, Hamburg
MODULE 2: October 2021, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin
MODULE 3: November 2021, FFT & tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf
The Arts and Encounters Academy comprises the following:
· 3 modules of 4 days each (over the weekend) in Hamburg, Berlin and Düsseldorf respectively.
· A multifaceted programme with an anti-discriminatory approach, combining experience reports, discussions, workshops, city walking tours, experimental encounters, visits to events, etc.
· Exchange with people drawn from different professional realms, institutions and artistic fields.
· Participation is free of charge, accommodation costs and catering will be covered.
· Unfortunately, the events are not barrier-free at all levels. But we will try our best to accommodate each and every participant. If you are selected to attend and you have a particular requirement, please contact us in advance.
· The languages of the academy will be spoken and written German and English.
Eligibility requirements:
· You already have initial or advanced experience (whether as a participant or facilitator) with formats that involve artistic encounters and interactions (e.g. cooperative activities with schools, community projects, meeting places, arts-based neighbourhood projects, art education initiatives, outreach processes, audience formats, cultural programmes for specific social groups) and/ or
· You have a keen interest in the intersection of arts and social participation.
· You value self-reflective, discrimination-critical work.
· Your residence and place of work is located in Germany or nearby.
· You are able to participate in all three modules (to the extent that it is possible). Your presence on-site is preferred, but not an absolute requirement. We understand that there are various reasons that might prevent you from attending physically, such as health-related or other reasons. Please inform us only if you are selected.
Access to the arts and cultural scene is not equal. For this reason, we are especially keen to invite people who are affected by various forms of discrimination to participate in the academy.
We leave it up to you to decide how exactly you wish to inform us about your motivation to take part in the academy. You can submit an application in written form (max. 1 DIN A4 page) or via other media (video or audio-based format). The number of participants is limited to 15. The selection will be made by a jury.
Send us your application via e-mail (or via WeTransfer link) to:
Application deadline: 5 April 2021
Selection of participants: mid-April 2021
Information on accessibility can be found here.
Arts and Encounters Academy – Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser (Alliance of International Production Houses)
Concept and Project Management: Cornelia Hinterschuster and Yasmine Salimi
AG “Kunst und Begegnungen” (Working Group Arts and Encounters): FFT – Irina-Simona Bârcă / Katja Grawinkel-Claassen | HAU – Stella Konstantinou / Volkan Türeli | HELLERAU – Elisa Kneisel / Moritz Kotzerke | Kampnagel – Claire Diraison / Anna Teuwen | Mousonturm – Leander Ripchinsky | PACT Zollverein – Benjamin Melzer / Neda Pouryekta | tanzhaus nrw – Mijke Harmsen