(c) Nathan Ishar

event series Arts & Encounters

For the 2024/25 season, the seven theatres that make up the Alliance of International Production Houses are organising an event series focusing on the field of practice we call Arts & Encounters. The series of events will see each of our Alliance members present strategies on how to foster even greater participation and involvement on the part of groups and individuals representing our multifaceted society. Together with these “accomplices” – the people without whom our theatres would not be what they are today – we are eager to examine a number of pressing issues, including our shared lives in neighbourhoods of diversity, potential strategies of resistance in the realm of social networks, and the growing tension between generations. Last but not least, we also want to continue to explore ways of opening up our theatres even further to the public and boosting the status of these venues as valuable spaces of encounter.

There are already a number of different strategies being used at the moment to foster new forms of accessibility and participation. These range from artistic practices that test performative strategies of participation and collective authorship to communication formats that help to develop audiences and create a lasting public impact. Among the strategies in place at Alliance member theatres are the Migrantpolitan at Kampnagel, the WerkStadt by PACT Zollverein and the Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo (young theatre workshop) organised by the Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm. Further starting points include the work being done with young people on social media at the FFT and tanzhaus in Düsseldorf and the neighbourhood projects carried out with local stakeholders at HAU Hebbel am Ufer and HELLERAU.

As part of this 2024/25 event series, each of the theatres will present their existing practices over the course of 2 to 3 days. The events will draw on the participation of experts, key knowledge groups and interested members of the public. The aim here will be to provide a forum for exchange and debate as well as a framework in which new formats and tools can be tested together.

The events are geared towards individuals eager to join with others to discuss and develop strategies for participation at the various interfaces between art and society. These individuals might include neighbours, activists, mediators, dramaturges, artists, multipliers, educators, art enthusiasts, local community groups and many others. All are invited and encouraged to bring their expertise and perspectives to the table.

Anyone interested in participating in the modules can do so by registering with the contact persons responsible for each event.

FFT Düsseldorf and tanzhaus nrw are opening the series of events with the programme TIKTOK – VIRALES THEATER, a practical exchange with young people, artists and content creators: from October 25-27, 2024, everything will revolve around the social medium with the widest reach today. We will discuss artistic strategies on and with TikTok across the generations, share knowledge on empowerment and community building in workshops and look for answers together to the question: Is it possible to outsmart the algorithm?

Information on the programme, impressions, interviews and reflections can be found here:

TikTok – virales Theater
25.-27. October 2025
FFT Düsseldorf und tanzhaus nrw


Further dates in the series

Ein Theater für junges Publikum als Labor für Begegnung und Teilhabe
25.–27. April 2025
Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm / Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo Frankfurt am Main

10 Jahre ankommen: Das Migrantpolitan Jubiläum
Meet the Migrantpolitan-Allstars: Zweitägiger Austausch mit der Migrantpolitan-Community zu 10 Jahre Willkommenskultur: Analysen, Rückblicke und Forderungen an die Aufnahmegesellschaft
03.–04. Mai 2025
Kampnagel Hamburg / Migrantpolitan

Watch Out! Festival für Jung und Alt
Transgenerationales Arbeiten in den Performing Arts
18.–20. Juni 2025
HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden

Ein Stadtlabor im Austausch
Einblicke in die Arbeit der WerkStadt als lokales Labor und Begegnungsraum
25.–26. September 2025
PACT Zollverein Essen / WerkStadt Katernberg

Nachbarschaft werden
16.–17. Oktober 2025
HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin


Concept: Working Group Art & Encounters
Jule Fuchs (HELLERAU), Katja Grawinkel-Claassen (FFT), Ossian Hain (Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm), Laura Hermeling (PACT Zollverein), Siri Keil (Kampnagel), Stella Konstantinou (HAU Hebbel am Ufer), Mina Mahomoudian (PACT Zollverein), Isabel Matthäus (HELLERAU), Lucie Ortmann (tanzhaus nrw), Sam Sabor (Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm), Leicy Valenzuela (HAU Hebbel am Ufer)
Project management: Jann Petersen, Alisa Tretau