Nicoleta Esinencu & teatru-spălătorie / HAU
Playing on Nerves. A Punk Dream
In Moldova, like everywhere else, the conquest of the capitalist system and technological progress have changed everything in recent decades. The notion of the future as a communal project, promising a good life for everybody, has become a distant memory. Today, we live in a world where there is less and less togetherness and more and more of an exploited, alienated, and stressed self. The system wants us to work tirelessly and never sleep. The second part of the trilogy “Symphony of Progress” reclaims the right to tell the story of the East, by the East, as well as the right to imagine an alternative to capitalism again. Through interviews and personal accounts, Nicoleta Esinencu and the teatru-spălătorie collective create a new archive that gives voices from Eastern Europe a chance to be heard. In doing so, “Playing on Nerves. A Punk Dream” becomes the nightmare of capitalism.
By: Nicoleta Esinencu, teatru-spălătorie / Team: Nicoleta Esinencu, Artiom Zavadovsky, Ciprian Marinescu, Doriana Talmazan, Kira Semionov, Nora Dorogan / Performance: Artiom Zavadovsky, Doriana Talmazan, Kira Semionov / Technichal development: Neonil Roșca / Technics: Sergiu Iachimov / Artistic consulting: Aenne Quiñones (HAU) / Production manager: Jana Penz (HAU) / Technical production management: Annette Becker / Sound: Janis Klinkhammer / Light: Lea Schneidermann (HAU) / Translation from Moldavian Romanian into German: Ciprian Marinescu, Frank Weigand / Translation from Moldavian Romanian into English: Artiom Zavadovsky / Editor English translation: Tallulah Rubee Fegan.
Production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer and teatru-spălătorie. Co-production: FFT Düsseldorf, HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden. Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds. The re-run is supported within the framework of the Alliance of International Production Houses by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.