(c) Patrick Berger

Anne Nguyen & Compagnie par Terre

  • Dance

Hip-hop has brought them to light: the underdogs, the socially disadvantaged, in whom the explosive energy of rebellion lives. The French choreographer and pioneer of hip-hop dives deep into the collective unconscious of the rebellious outsiders of our society.

Who are they, the “underdogs” who stir up the city to soul music reminiscent of the climate of the 1970s in the USA? How do their bodies shape the cityscape, how do they break norms that no longer fit? Three breakdancers embody the collective urban subconscious. They bring the social, cultural heritage to light, clash with each other and move away again. Their body language reveals the hidden experiences that connect the inhabitants of the same city. Anne Nguyen shows the “underdogs” as unique personalities.

Choreography: Anne Nguyen, Performers: Sonia Bel Hadj Brahim, Arnaud Duprat, Pascal Luce, Lighting design: Ydir Acef Music, Transitions (creation): Sébastien Lété, Stage Manager on tour: Matthieu Marques

Coproduction: L’Auditorium Seynod; Théâtre de Chevilly-Larue. With the support of Centre d’Art et de Culture de Meudon; Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS; Mairie de La Courneuve – Houdremont centre culturel; Centre culturel l’Imprévu de Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône; CND Centre national de la danse – provision of studio; Etablissement public du Palais de la Porte Dorée. The par Terre Dance Company is funded by l’Aide pluriannuelle du Ministère de la Culture / DRAC Île-de-France, la Région Île-de-France for “Permanence Artistique et Culturelle” and l’Aide au fonctionnement du Département du Val-de-Marne.

Supported as part of the Alliance of International Production Houses with funds granted by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media.