Bouzid Ait Atmane & Saïdo Lehlouh
The Dancing
The Dancing is a participatory gathering of dancers.
Professional and amateur dancers, young people and old, dance enthusiasts and passers-by, Academy attendees and stage audience gather in public space for three hours. What brings these people together? What gathers them?
At this gathering’s centre lies hip hop culture. Eleven COLLECTIF FAIR-E artists invite the audiences to share their artistic practice (ranging from various dance styles to beatmaking to beatboxing) with all the people present for a moment of collective creativity and communality.
Those in attendance are invited into workshops that have been conceptualised as playing fields, to dive into the artistic universe of one among the eleven artists. In it, the participants can study a choreography, go into improvisation, discover themselves anew, or express themselves in spontaneous and playful ways. The Dancing transcends the divisions between high, low, and socioculture, enabling a creative handling of the human body and its role in society.
Bouzid Ait Atmane and Saïdo Lehlouh are part of COLLECTIF FAIR-E, whose members all come from hip hop culture while simultaneously fanning out into a wide spectrum of artistic individuality. They are the mirror image of a new generation of choreographers who are utterly pushed by dance, having acquired their artistic practice outside of university. As COLLECTIF FAIR-E, they are focused on making (French: faire) with and through dance; they convey desire, poetry, fairness, fantasy, joy, and community, everywhere they perform.
Duration: 3 hours, Johannes-Rau-Platz, in English.
Dancers: Karim Ahansal aka “Pépito”, Judicaël Charlyngan Mathurine aka “Cjm’s”, Maryne Esteban aka “Reverse”, Nelson Ewande, Chris Fargeot, Brieuc Le Gall, Sarah Naït Hamoud, Patrick Pires aka “P.Lock”, Oumou Sy, Jimmy Yudat; DJ: Kitoko.
Sponsored by PARIS 2024 / Olympiade artistique et culturelle. Supported by the Alliance of International Production Houses, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.