Philipp Hochmair & Die Elektrohand Gottes
Jedermann reloaded
Philipp Hochmair ist Jedermann. In einem leidenschaftlichen Kraftakt schlüpft er in alle Rollen und macht Philipp Hochmair is Jedermann. In a passionate tour de force, he slips into all the roles and turns Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s play into a many-voiced monologue. A dialogue with two microphones. One for Jedermann and one for the others. His Everyman is a rock star. Driven by guitar riffs and experimental sounds of the band Die Elektrohand Gottes, Philipp Hochmair transforms the 100-year-old mystery play into an apocalyptic spoken concert. “The Story of the Rich Man’s Life and Death” becomes a haunting overall experience and makes Everyman recognizable as a contemporary who burns up in his insatiable greed for money and intoxication. The theme is timeless and eternally valid: “What is left of my life when it comes to dying?”
Jedermann: Philipp Hochmair
Gitarre: Tobias Herzz Hallbauer
Elektroklang: Jörg Schittkowski
Drums: Bastien Eifler
Sound und Light Design: Hanns Clasen
Die Aufführungen von „Jedermann Reloaded“ sind Teil der Frankfurter Dionysien in Offenbach, ausgerichtet vom Künstlerhaus Mousonturm im Auftrag des Frankfurt LAB. Gefördert vom Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain.