pulk fiktion
Trollwut – ein Diskursmusical
Four digital immigrants embark on a journey through the world wide web, giving the digital natives their point of view: Important information and fake news, inappropriate opinions and political convictions, hollowstatements and filtered knowledge. They ascend their soapboxes and want to convince. They sing in polyphony and want to set the tone. They enjoy interference anduncomfortable questions. They lose thethread, begin anew, lose each other, only tond each other, time and again. A funny and quirky discourse musical seeking plain textin a digital hurricane of opinion bubbles and internet trolls.
pulk fiktion was founded in Bonn in 2007, with organisational direction provided by director and performer Hannah Biedermann and performer and video artist Norman Grotegut. A heterogeneous “pulk” (German for “throng”), comprised of young artists, working in different constellations, develops productions for children, youths and adults. pulk fiktion’ productions received invitations to numerous national and international festivals, winning numerous awards, among them the George Tabori Förderpreis 2016 as well as the JugendStückePreis of the Heidelberger Stückemarkt 2017 for ”All about Nothing“.
Concept: pulk fiktion. Director: Hannah Biedermann. Performance: Norman Grotegut, Manuela Neudegger, Nicolas Schneider, Conni Trieder. Music: Nicolas Schneider, Conni Trieder. Choreography: Elisabeth Hofmann. Equipment : Ria Papadopoulou. Assistent: Jule Kriesel. Technique, Light: Peter Behle. Production management: Esther Schneider.
A co-produktion of pulk fiktion with Freies Werkstatt Theater Köln, FFT Düsseldorf, LOT Braunschweig and Junges Nationaltheater Mannheim. Funded by Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen and Fonds Darstellende Künste.